If you would like to pray for our youth and the youth ministry programs, please sign up here to receive weekly intentions. Each Tuesday an email will be sent out with specific intentions pertaining to youth ministry for that week.



Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year of Mercy from December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016. During this time we are invited to experience the joy of God's mercy and are called to "Be merciful even as your Father is merciful." (cf Lk 6:36). Responding to this invitation, the youth of St. Francis of Assisi parish in Oklahoma City and St. Monica's parish in Edmond are invited to participate in a Merciful Summer.

This Merciful Summer will focus on completing the corporal works of mercy and growing in fellowship with peers. Students entering grades 6-12 are invited to attend the following dates.

June 22: Visit the imprisoned. Christ the King parishioner Mrs. Riesenberg will share her experience of ministering to those in prison. After the presentation, the youth will complete a low and high ropes course at Shiloh Ropes course.

June 29: Feed the hungry. Students will meet to make sack lunches for our homeless brothers and sisters in Oklahoma City. Students will get an in depth look at the food desert situation in Oklahoma City and the challenges many of our citizen's face. That afternoon, we will watch "The Letters" which describes the story of Mother Teresa and her struggles as she founded the Missionaries of Charity.

July 13: Visit the sick. Students will spend the day with the Gospel of Life community at St. James the Greater parish. Sister Maria of the Trinity will share about her ministry and we will help the community with various projects and spend time with the residents in the Gospel of Life Dwelling.

July 20: Bury the dead. Fr. Price Oswalt at St. Joseph's Old Cathedral will talk to us about this corporal work of mercy as well as discuss the Cannonization efforts for Fr. Stanley Rother. In the afternoon, we will have lunch downtown and then visit the Oklahoma Memorial Museum.

You can download the registration form here.


Totus Tuus is a Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through catechesis, evangelization, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. The goal of Totus Tuus is to help young people grow in the understanding of, and strengthen their faith in, Jesus Christ. It is only by establishing a real and personal relationship with Him that we can be led to the love of the Father in the Spirit and so be made sharers in the life of the Holy Trinity. "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me" (John 4:16). Totus Tuus strives to bring our faith to life by creating a balance between knowledge of the meaning of the Sacraments and an authentic Sacramental life.

Totus Tuus will be at St. Francis the week of June 11-18. Registration form can be downloaded here.


This year, we will continue our Chosen Confirmation program for all high school youth who have not received this sacrament. Please visit our Confirmation page for more information.


Along with Chosen, we are offering an exciting new program for our youth called YDisciple. This program creates intentional discipleship groups for our youth led by adult mentors. Practical training, video studies, engaging discussion guides, and parent resources combine to create an ideal environment for teens to take ownership of their faith. YDisciple meets the needs of teenagers through a model that is relational, relevant, and parent-driven.

For more information call St. Francis office at (405) 528-0485 or email youthandfamily@stfrancisokc.com.