Questions About Being Catholic?
We’re Glad You Asked!

Here at St. Francis, we believe that God made you to be His friend. We, too, have heard God calling in the middle of questions and doubts, desires and losses, joys and loves. Whether you feel hesitant or have just had an “ah-hah!” moment, we want to help.

From those who first heard of the Resurrection almost two millennia ago, to the neophytes received into the Church last Easter, people whose lives have been touched by Jesus Christ have turned to the Church He established for them. Young and old, wealthy and downtrodden, depressed and happy, people just like you pose hard questions to the Church, and find answers that work. Answers that make sense. The RCIA team at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Oklahoma City is a group of local Catholics, striving to follow our Lord with integrity, who are dedicated to handing on to others the riches they have received.

Want to find out what Catholics believe? Maybe you just have a few questions. Maybe you are searching for your heart’s home. Maybe you just need to know where to begin. The St. Francis RCIA team hopes you’ll ask us!

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

R.C.I.A. meets in the Meerschaert House every Sunday Morning following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Our main study session takes place from about 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. From mid-October through the end of Lent, catechumens and candidates should plan to attend the 8:30 Mass; families, sponsors, and supporters may well find it equally easy to attend the 11:00 Mass. (If you are uncertain about times and places, please come anyway, and we will be happy to help.)

Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss child care (and religious education for children).

You can email the RCIA team or call the parish office for more details (405) 528-0485.

Calendar of Events

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults happens in four phases, each with its own proper methods of instruction and formation. At St. Francis, the pattern is like this:

  • Inquiry and Pre-catechumenate: Year Round, culminating in the Pre-catechumenate classes leading to the Rite of Acceptance for catechumens (seeking Baptism) or Rite of Welcoming for candidates for reception into full communion (baptized but not trained as Catholics).
  • Catechumenate: from the Rite of Acceptance (or Welcoming) in mid-October, through the beginning of Lent, those who are preparing for Baptism or reception meet weekly to pray, study, and discern God’s call together.
  • Period of Purification and Enlightenment: from the Rite of Sending and Rite of Election, through the Scrutinies, and down to the Easter Vigil, the catechumens and candidates set aside entangling cares and devote their attention to continuing conversion to Christ.
  • Mystagogy: united with the Church, the newly baptized and received (neophytes) seek further instruction in what to do, how to pray, where to find a place to serve